Easter Sunday

‘Whoever calls upon The Name of The Lord shall be saved’. Acts 2 verse 21

Today we celebrate Christ’s
resurrection. This is very important because it means that Jesus is alive. Jesus died on Good Friday and it was on this day that He took your sin and my sin and made them His own. That means Jesus got the blame for every wrong thing we’ve ever done and every wrong thing we will ever do.
Throughout, the 33 and a half years that Jesus lived on earth, He didn’t sin once. He never disobeyed God or Mary and Joseph, He never stole, He never had a bad thought about anyone, He never lied, He was never jealous. Jesus never sinned. He was perfect. When God looked at Jesus, He saw that He was sinless but when Jesus was on the cross, God looked at Him and saw that He was full of sin. However, this was not because Jesus began to sin but because when God looked at Jesus, He saw all the wrong things that the whole world had done. Jesus said ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?’ (Matthew 27 verse 46)
Up until now, God, the Father and God, the Son had remained connected but at the cross, Jesus cries out that God has left Him. This phrase reminds us of how Holy and Pure God is. God could no longer remain connected with Jesus because He was now full of sin. God cannot be anywhere near sin, He hates sin and that is why Jesus had to die on the cross, that we can be set free from the punishment of sin, which is death. By Jesus taking our sins and making them His own, we can be in relationship with God.   ‘I am The Way, The Truth and The Life. No one comes to The Father except through Me’ (John 14 verse 6). Jesus took the punishment for our sins. He died, went to hell on our behalf and there He was separated from God but Jesus didn’t stay dead. No, He rose again on the third day and He is alive. This shows how powerful Jesus was, it showed that He had power over death.
When Jesus was in hell, the devil would have probably been happy because he thought he had defeated The Son of God but by raising to life, it shows that God is All powerful.
‘The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus.'(Romans 6 verse 23) We. have all sinned and because of sin we all deserve to go to hell and be separated from God but because of God’s great love for us, He made a way for us to spend all of eternity with Him. When you turn away from your sin, ask God to forgive you for all your sins and ask Him to be your Lord and Saviour, God no longer remembers your sin. All your sins are forgotten and you can now begin a relationship with God. This is only possible because Jesus took the punishment for sin on our behalf.
Although Jesus knew that He was going to die a painful death, He obeyed God and still went on the cross for us.

If someone asked me to pick just one day that I am truly thankful for, I would say Easter Sunday. This is not because of Easter eggs but because if Jesus hadn’t come into the world, we couldn’t have a relationship with God now and we couldn’t spend all of eternity with Him.